Author: Erin

A Weekend in Traverse City MI with Kids

A Weekend in Traverse City MI with Kids

Lazing on colorful floats. Crystal clear lakes and even more beautiful sunsets. Juicy fresh berries and heavenly cherry pie. Speed boats, pontoon boats, and sail boats dotting the horizon. Small towns and cozy shops. Family laughing together and bustling around a crowded kitchen and bending 

How to Plan Activities for Road Trips with Kids Ages 3-8

How to Plan Activities for Road Trips with Kids Ages 3-8

Does the idea of a family road trip excite you? Make you panic a bit? Do you look at the number of hours in the car and dread them? Wonder how on earth you, let alone you kids, will manage to stay entertained for that 

Powerful Methods for Getting Out the Door Without Tears

Powerful Methods for Getting Out the Door Without Tears

“I DON’T WANT TO GO!” my usually happy child is rolling around on the floor screaming and kicking the wall while I try to stuff my gym shoes into my bag, braid my daughter’s hair and drink my now lukewarm tea. Clearly this is not 

Creative Ideas for Celebrating Orange Day in Preschool

Creative Ideas for Celebrating Orange Day in Preschool

Juicy oranges. Traffic cones. Construction hats. It must be orange day! Below are some fun ways to bring the color orange alive in your home or classroom for Orange Day! affiliate links are included below. Orange Day Activity Ideas Books About the Color Orange It’s 

An Open Letter to the Soon-To-Be First Grade Teachers of My Twins

An Open Letter to the Soon-To-Be First Grade Teachers of My Twins

Dear First Grade Teachers, The summer is drawing to an all-too-soon close and soon I’ll be handing my twins, my Super Kids, my babies, over to two of you. I’m thrilled for them to learn and make friends, but like every parent my kids are a 

Mess-Free Nature Shake Paintings for Toddlers

Mess-Free Nature Shake Paintings for Toddlers

Nature Shake Paintings are perfect for a lot of kids and situations. They are perfect for… Kids who are active. Kids who like to collect rocks. Times when you are outside. Times when you are inside. Times when you don’t have a ton of time. 

A Weekend in Long Beach NY with Kids

A Weekend in Long Beach NY with Kids

My kids spent a week digging in clean, white sand and squealing over blue, salty waves. It was relaxing and fun. Where, you ask, is this little slice of delightful beach life? Long Island. Wait…what? Like the Long Island that holds Queens and Brooklyn? Yup. That 

Playful Preschool Math Ideas for Learning Shapes, Counting, Patterning and More

Playful Preschool Math Ideas for Learning Shapes, Counting, Patterning and More

I have this vivid math memory of getting quizzed on multiplication on the playground in elementary school. In third grade I was sick a lot (well every year I was, but that’s another story) and was behind on our weekly quizzes. We were doing our 8s. 

How to Help Your Toddler Overcome a Fear of Open Water

How to Help Your Toddler Overcome a Fear of Open Water

The ocean is one of those parenting things for me. You know those things you absolutely adore that you cannot wait to share with your kids? That favorite book you read as a child. That favorite ice cream spot. That favorite summer vacation spot. The 

Easy Light Table Ideas for Infants and Toddlers

Easy Light Table Ideas for Infants and Toddlers

My kids have been quietly playing for over an hour in the next room. Every now and then I peek into the room, but every time I see the same thing. Two bodies. Carefully building. Quiet conversation. Concentration on their faces that are being lit