Author: Erin

Essential Tips for Surviving Camping with Toddlers

Essential Tips for Surviving Camping with Toddlers

“You’re going camping with your kids?!?” If you have ever considered the idea of camping with toddlers out loud around other people, you are probably familiar with this response. Camping with young children can seem daunting. I know that I was nervous before our first trip and 

3 Simple Steps to Reset When Family Travel Goes Wrong

3 Simple Steps to Reset When Family Travel Goes Wrong

The flight attendant was giving me one of those “get your *%#+ together crazy mama” looks as I re-boarded the plane clutching my daughter’s kindle in hand. affiliate links are included in this post. It has been one of those days. You know the kind 

Easy Directions for a DIY Bug Jar

Easy Directions for a DIY Bug Jar

The screen door slams and little feet patter into the kitchen. “Mama, look what I found?” The screen door. The patter. The uncontrollable enthusiasm. The sweet sweaty faces. The expectation. These are the things that scream summer to me. affiliate links are included below “Look!” 

A Weekend in Chattanooga TN with Kids

A Weekend in Chattanooga TN with Kids

The blue bridge stretches above me as I get my first glimpses of Chattanooga and the surrounding hills. My kids have of course sprinted ahead, but I’m still taking in the lovely green, the flowing river, and the steam boats. Chattanooga was the one place 

20+ Ocean Unit Activity Ideas for Kindergarten and First Grade

20+ Ocean Unit Activity Ideas for Kindergarten and First Grade

Surrounded by sand piles and drenched from earlier splashing my kids are laying with their new little friend. Nearby I commiserate and brainstorm about blogging and motherhood and life with my pal Sara (who writes beautiful encouragement for mamas and kiddo adventure ideas on Sunshine 

14+ Free and Cheap Things to Do in Milwaukee WI with Kids

14+ Free and Cheap Things to Do in Milwaukee WI with Kids

I’m not sure what people think of when they think of Milwaukee. Beer and cheese most likely? Milwaukee often gets overshadowed by Chicago just a short drive to the South, but it is a city in its own right. People, like me, who were born 

Nesting Birds Mini Unit

Nesting Birds Mini Unit

Last spring my kids came running inside, screen door slamming behind them, to tell me that they could hear chirping from the bird house in the backyard.  We went outside together to discover there was a nest with new baby birds! The best activities are 

5 Math and Movement Games to Play While You Wait

5 Math and Movement Games to Play While You Wait

I had just said “stand still please” for the fifteenth time in ten minutes and my daughter sighed long and hard as she stomped her feet back to the space next to me showing me she was as annoyed as I was. We had been 

Spring Planting Unit for Toddlers and Preschool

Spring Planting Unit for Toddlers and Preschool

“Look Mama! Spring is here!” one of my kids calls from the backyard. Spotting that first flower in the garden after a long cold Winter is one of life’s small joys and a true sign that Spring is finally here. My kids are often the ones 

Flashlight Walk

Flashlight Walk

It’s 3:30 and the light is already starting to fade behind the apartment building around the park. I give my kids a two minute warning with a sigh. Another long afternoon stuck inside. The long hours of darkness are one of the hardest parts of