Author: Erin

5 Top Tips for Surviving a Holiday Parade with Kids

5 Top Tips for Surviving a Holiday Parade with Kids

Holiday Parades have a been a favorite Christmas event for our family almost every where we have lived. We’ve also enjoyed Thanksgiving and St Patrick’s Day parades. Surviving them with little kids can be tricky some times. However, with a few tips they can become 

Rainy Day Walk

Rainy Day Walk

Stuck inside on another rainy day? Head outside for a rainy day walk. We have gone for many walks after the rain. Let’s face it – splashing in puddles is one of the happiest things ever. However, on a warmer day, sometimes it is fun 

Fall Tree Drawing Prompt

Fall Tree Drawing Prompt

After returning from our Fall Nature Hike, our little ones were excited about leaves. My son in particular recounted for me several times how he stood under the tree and the wind blew and then the leaves fell down. Some even landed on him and 

Fire Hydrant Walk

Fire Hydrant Walk

Fire fighters and fire trucks are fascinating for toddlers. What’s not to love? Everything about them is loud and red and exciting. One of our favorite field trips (that we’ve repeated the most) is the Fire Station. For weeks after we played fire fighter and 

10 Awesome Gross Motor Activities for Babies + Toddlers

10 Awesome Gross Motor Activities for Babies + Toddlers

Babies and Toddlers are active little ones that are in constant search of ways to practice and develop their Gross Motor skills. I don’t think we often think of learning to crawl or balance or walk as curriculum, but for babies and younger toddlers this 

Listening Walk with Toddlers

Listening Walk with Toddlers

Toddlers and Preschoolers learn about the world through their senses. This easy adventure is a fun way to practice your child’s sense of listening. Let’s go for a listening walk! affiliate links are included below. Beforehand: Read a book such as LISTEN by Gabi Snyder. 

Winter Lights Walk with Toddlers

Winter Lights Walk with Toddlers

As soon as daylight savings hits, our little ones are fascinated by the darkness each evening and possibly more so by the lights that shine through. Many winter holidays focus on adding light to the darkness of winter. Taking a walk around your neighborhood or 

Counting Walk with Toddlers and Preschoolers

Counting Walk with Toddlers and Preschoolers

When our twins reached the age of constantly counting (often incorrectly) everything around them and we had read every counting book we owned a million times (I wish I were exaggerating), I knew I had to find more ways for them to practice. We love