5 Baby Products New Twin Moms Need + One to Skip

I remember walking through the aisles of the baby store completely overwhelmed by the towering shelves of baby equipment. I was wondering what on earth I actually need for the twins growing in my belly.
There are things that all babies need – a place to sleep, some clothes, some burp cloths, feeding source, a few board books, etc. There are also a few things that parents of multiples need to consider when registering and shopping for their unique situation.
For twin parents the daily logistics of getting out of the house with two and feeding two are so much easier if you have a few essential baby products.
Here the five things that are essential for all twin parents – plus one I’d advise you skip!
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5 Essentials Baby Products for New Twin Parents
1. Awesome Double Stroller
This is hands down the most important thing for a mommy of twins.
Although I spent a fairly ridiculous amount of time carting two carseats (you get really strong arms!), carrying two babies for any length of time is impractical.
This is the stroller that we used from newborn through age 3. We loved that it grew with them (you can start with your babies in their car seats with these adaptors and our children still fit at 3. We wanted a front and back so it would fit through doorways, which this does without any problems. My one and only criticism is that although it folds down fairly flat, you have remove one of the seats and when folded the stroller does not stand on its own well.
Here and here are a couple more that I’ve had recommended to me by other twin mommies.
2. Large Diaper Bag
With two babies, obviously you are going to have to carry more stuff. There are a lot of adorable diaper bags out there, but make sure that you have one that is big enough to pack full of diapers, wipes, extra clothing, toys, and feeding supplies for two babies.
3. Serious Pump and a Portable Pump
If your twins are going to drink breast milk this is a serious job. You need a serious pump for home.
This is the one that I used and loved. I would also highly recommend a small portable pump, like this one to throw in your diaper bag.
We used this a lot when we were traveling or out of the house. It is often difficult to find somewhere to nurse two babies. I often pumped for one baby and then someone could feed that infant, while I nursed the other one.
4. Double Breastfeeding Pillow
Speaking of nursing, if you are attempting this super woman feat – you will need one of these. There are other ways to do it, but this is the easiest, quickest way to get comfortable and support two babies.
5. 2 Boppy Pillows
A boppy pillow would go on my list of must-haves for one baby too, but I think I used it more because we had two.
These are wonderful for propping up babies while you feed two at one or for babies with reflux after they eat. When they got a little older, I could prop them up facing each other and they could bobble a little, without me worrying about them falling onto the floor. I also used them to hold the babies while I got situated before nursing.
In general, they are handy to have with little ones, plus they come with all kinds of adorable covers.
What can you skip?
The rocking chair. We had one and I did love it, however it is completely impractical for feeding or rocking two infants.
You will end up propping yourself up on the couch, your bed, or a huge arm chair and wondering why you spent the money on that comfy rocker that’s taunting you in the corner of the nursery.
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