A Spring Day on Fire Island with Kids

A Spring Day on Fire Island with Kids

Want to forget for a day that you are in New York City there is not much that is more opposite the bustle of the Big Apple then the isolation of Fire Island in the off season. This is one of the more unique places 

A Weekend in Biloxi MS

A Weekend in Biloxi MS

If I’m being 100% honest, the moment I found out we were moving to Mississippi I opened Google Maps and started figuring out where we could easily visit. The gulf coast was #1 on my list. Two weeks after we signed on our house and 

20+ Best Things to do with Kids in the Jackson Area

20+ Best Things to do with Kids in the Jackson Area

  What is there to do in Mississippi with kids? I remember wondering this same thing before we moved. We were pretty content in the Midwest, so when my dear hubby announced that he had gotten a position in Mississippi I was a little stunned. 

15+ Best Things to do with Kids in the Madison Area

15+ Best Things to do with Kids in the Madison Area

I grew up in Wisconsin, but I admit when we first moved to Baraboo (about an hour north of Madison) I had no idea what to do with my two little kids. A Milwaukee native, South-Central Wisconsin was a mystery to me. Fortunately, between the 

A Weekend in Spartanburg + Greenville SC with Kids

A Weekend in Spartanburg + Greenville SC with Kids

Our latest weekend family trip took us to Spartanburg, South Carolina. Spartanburg is a town in northwestern South Carolina about an hour from Charlotte and about a half hour from Greenville. My sister and her husband moved there this summer so our family flew down 

A Summer Weekend in Milwaukee WI with Kids

A Summer Weekend in Milwaukee WI with Kids

Milwaukee is a city near and dear to our hearts. Both Nick and I were born and raised here. Although we have since moved away to pursue educations and careers elsewhere, we return frequently to visit family and will probably always consider it home. With 

A Weekend Camping Trip to Coopers Rock State Forest West Virginia

A Weekend Camping Trip to Coopers Rock State Forest West Virginia

My skepticism faded the moment we rode up into the hills of western Maryland. Suddenly we were surrounded by bright bursts of Fall colors and this trip to Coopers Rock State Forest in West Virginia didn’t seem quite so crazy. At the beginning of the 

New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia Canada with Kids

New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia Canada with Kids

“Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive–it’s such an interesting world. It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There’d be no 

A Weekend in Traverse City MI with Kids

A Weekend in Traverse City MI with Kids

Lazing on colorful floats. Crystal clear lakes and even more beautiful sunsets. Juicy fresh berries and heavenly cherry pie. Speed boats, pontoon boats, and sail boats dotting the horizon. Small towns and cozy shops. Family laughing together and bustling around a crowded kitchen and bending 

A Weekend in Long Beach NY with Kids

A Weekend in Long Beach NY with Kids

My kids spent a week digging in clean, white sand and squealing over blue, salty waves. It was relaxing and fun. Where, you ask, is this little slice of delightful beach life? Long Island. Wait…what? Like the Long Island that holds Queens and Brooklyn? Yup. That