Maps Unit for Preschoolers

Maps Unit for Preschoolers

There is something SO MUCH FUN about maps. Even in the age of GoogleMaps and smart phones I think it is so important for kids to learn how to use a map. Maps are everywhere and learning how to use them is a life skill we 

Fall Unit for Kindergarten and First Grade

Fall Unit for Kindergarten and First Grade

“What do you think we will see on our Fall Hunt?” So begins our conversation before our walk. My preschoolers quickly shout out ideas. Leaves! Pumpkins! Trees! Squirrels! A ghost! Ummm…okay? I write them all down on our clipboard. The kids are used to these 

Farm Field Trip Tips + Unit Ideas for Kindergarten and First Grade

Farm Field Trip Tips + Unit Ideas for Kindergarten and First Grade

Escaping to the farm is one of our favorite ways to get outside and learn. If you don’t grow up on a farm, the animals, crops, environment of a farm are fascinating learning experiences for children. Our family recently went to an apple farm in 

Joint Base Andrews Airshow with Kids

Joint Base Andrews Airshow with Kids

They have already raced past by the time the thundering roar of their engines makes it to your ears. When it does the noise is so loud you can feel it in your core. The power. The strength. The speed. Little in this world and 

10+ Reasons to Schedule a Fall Family Day at Alstede Farm

10+ Reasons to Schedule a Fall Family Day at Alstede Farm

Picture a long line of green apple trees with specks of red dotting their branches. Above them the brilliant blue sky beams with crisp Fall air and below them children race along giggling. Sound too good to be true? Sometimes I think “Fall” like it 

How to Help Your Toddler Overcome a Fear of Open Water

How to Help Your Toddler Overcome a Fear of Open Water

The ocean is one of those parenting things for me. You know those things you absolutely adore that you cannot wait to share with your kids? That favorite book you read as a child. That favorite ice cream spot. That favorite summer vacation spot. The 

20+ Ocean Unit Activity Ideas for Kindergarten and First Grade

20+ Ocean Unit Activity Ideas for Kindergarten and First Grade

Surrounded by sand piles and drenched from earlier splashing my kids are laying with their new little friend. Nearby I commiserate and brainstorm about blogging and motherhood and life with my pal Sara (who writes beautiful encouragement for mamas and kiddo adventure ideas on Sunshine 

Nesting Birds Mini Unit

Nesting Birds Mini Unit

Last spring my kids came running inside, screen door slamming behind them, to tell me that they could hear chirping from the bird house in the backyard.  We went outside together to discover there was a nest with new baby birds! The best activities are 

5 Math and Movement Games to Play While You Wait

5 Math and Movement Games to Play While You Wait

I had just said “stand still please” for the fifteenth time in ten minutes and my daughter sighed long and hard as she stomped her feet back to the space next to me showing me she was as annoyed as I was. We had been 

Spring Planting Unit for Toddlers and Preschool

Spring Planting Unit for Toddlers and Preschool

“Look Mama! Spring is here!” one of my kids calls from the backyard. Spotting that first flower in the garden after a long cold Winter is one of life’s small joys and a true sign that Spring is finally here. My kids are often the ones