Historical News! Easy History Activity for 4-8th Grade

Historical News! Easy History Activity for 4-8th Grade

The world and it’s history is vast, layered, complex and deep. We cannot possibly cover it all, but I want to expose my kids to as much of it’s richness as I can. This one page, open ended Historical News printable can be used in 

5+ Fun Ways to Learn About Shakespeare with Kids in Middle School

5+ Fun Ways to Learn About Shakespeare with Kids in Middle School

Shakespeare, all these many generations later, is still alive in our literary world. His plays are taught in middle school and high school classrooms all over, performed in theaters around the world, and twisted, adapted and built upon in literature and film everywhere. No matter 

Learning about Ancient Maya & the Power of Field Trips

Learning about Ancient Maya & the Power of Field Trips

He runs over and grabs my hand – something that has become more and more rare in this middle school year – “come look at this Mom!” He pulls me from display to display, explaining as we go what he’s noticed about the Ancient Maya 

Ancient Egypt: Middle School Ancient History

Ancient Egypt: Middle School Ancient History

Ancient Egypt was one of the first major civilizations. In our Middle School Ancient History learning we briefly talked about other early civilizations, like Mesopotamia and how they impacted history. After that, we moved on to mummies and pyramids and pharaohs. affiliate links are included 

The First Humans Unit: Middle School World History

The First Humans Unit: Middle School World History

Middle School World History. Wow. That’s crazy to say. I never in a million years when I was getting my teaching license, when I was homeschooling preschool for my twins, when I sent them off to Kindergarten, never did I think I would be teaching