Preschool Ocean Animals Unit

Preschool Ocean Animals Unit

“Woah! Look at this one mom!” She holds up her shelf as another foaming wave crashes around her waist. My daughter is on her hands and knees at the edge of the ocean digging through the wet, soupy sand for shells. Every few minutes she 

Preschool Firefighter Unit

Preschool Firefighter Unit

As adults we like to rush through our days as quickly as possible checking things off our to-do list, but sometimes children can teach us why we need to slow down. I learned a little about this a couple weeks ago.  We were at German 

10 Awesome Gross Motor Activities for Babies + Toddlers

10 Awesome Gross Motor Activities for Babies + Toddlers

Babies and Toddlers are active little ones that are in constant search of ways to practice and develop their Gross Motor skills. I don’t think we often think of learning to crawl or balance or walk as curriculum, but for babies and younger toddlers this