Counting Walk with Toddlers and Preschoolers

When our twins reached the age of constantly counting (often incorrectly) everything around them and we had read every counting book we owned a million times (I wish I were exaggerating), I knew I had to find more ways for them to practice.
We love going for walks so I decided to try a counting walk.
read also: 12 walk ideas for toddlers
Before the Walk
Write a list of what you think you will find outside. You can see our example below (no laughing at my drawing skills!)
I guided them a little, but for the most part they chose the things for me to write/draw on the page.
Read Also: How to Use Emergent Curriculum with Toddlers
Also gather:
- Camera
- Notebooks or Clipboards
- Markers.
During the Walk
When we got outside we checked the list and headed off in search of the first thing; trees.
We counted all the trees we could see and then I wrote it on our chart and encouraged them to write about it in their journals. Once they were satisfied, we moved on to the next thing.
Note: If you are doing this with older kids, make a copy of your chart for each kid so they can work individually.
At times one of them was more interested than the other and I followed their lead.
Do not feel forced to finish your list or only count things on the list. Use it as a starting point and follow your child’s lead. The point is to count and keep math feeling fun.