Fall Tree Drawing Prompt

After returning from our Fall Nature Hike, our little ones were excited about leaves. My son in particular recounted for me several times how he stood under the tree and the wind blew and then the leaves fell down. Some even landed on him and this of course was the highlight of his tale.
I of course immediately set about gathering books about Fall.
One of my favorites that addresses his particular interest very well is Leaves by David Ezra Stein. It is a darling book about a little bear experiencing his first Fall.
On our art table, we started with these simple Drawing Prompts.
We sat down at the table with cups of crayons and paper with my very basic tree outlines and created. As we colored (yup, I joined in this time scribbling away on my tree) we chatted about what colors we were using.
Here are some questions you could ask:
*Tell me about the colors on your tree.
*Hmmm…is that a darker orange or a lighter orange?
*What colors were the leaves we saw on the tree outside/at the park/on our hike?
You can also do a little self talk, which yes feels a little silly until you get used to it, but is an excellent way to model your thought process and language.
*This red looks very dark…I think I might try this lighter shade.
*I have lots of orange on my tree. I might add some yellows too like the tree we saw outside.
*Hmm…I’m trying to remember where the leaves were on the tree. I might check this photo/book to remind myself.
Our twins are developing language, learning colors, and using fine motor skills to grip and maneuver their crayons, but we are also just creating, and chatting, and sipping tea.