Finding Round Shapes in Nature with Toddlers

Finding Round Shapes in Nature with Toddlers

Shapes are all around us. Learning through adventure is a HUGE part of my philosophy of educating little ones. My book LITTLE WALKS BIG ADVENTURES is framed around taking ideas, interests, sparks and learning about them through activities and adventures. It has been a while since I shared a new Little Walk idea but this book just begs you to go on an adventure!

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Read: Round

Round by Jennifer Ward illustrated by Lisa Congdon

This one is just about round shapes. It is original and STEM inspired. It is engaging and perfect for reading aloud. The text is simple which is perfect for the young, shape learning target audience. It encourages the reader to notice shapes all around them in the natural world. The illustrations are bright and bursting off the page. The big, bold shapes lend themselves to being viewed during a story time. This book begs to be read aloud to little ones and then taken outside on your own hunt for round things in nature.

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Go on a walk!

I believe in learning through adventure and learning with hands on experiences with real materials. After you’ve read ROUND by Jennifer Ward take your toddlers or preschoolers outside to hunt for round things in your natural environment.


Walk around the block. Explore a local park or nature area. Go for a hike in the forest. This can be as big or small as you’d like.

You May Also Like: 5 Ways to Learn about Shapes Outside

My toddlers always loved having something to do on our walks. You can certainly verbally share the round items you find around you, but if you’d like you can also use the printable below.

Round Nature Hunt for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Free Printable from Bambini Travel

Make as many copies as you need. Stick the printable on a clipboard (I have this stack of clipboards that are easy to stack and store). I like to use a piece of string or velcro to attach a pencil or crayon to each one.

You May Also Like: 12 Walk Ideas for Toddlers

Depending on the age of your kids, you can use the printable to:

  • Check off the 6 items you find.
  • Draw a picture of each round thing you find in nature.
  • Write down a round item you find.


More Simple Shape Ideas for Toddlers

Round Nature Hunt for Toddlers and Preschoolers with Free Printable from Bambini Travel

For 52 Walks Ideas with Kids Check Out My Book!

Little Walks Big Adventures