How To Throw a Pancakes and Pajamas Birthday Party

Birthdays were always a big deal in my house so I think I tend to go a little over board when it comes to celebrating my kiddos. I think because they are twins and therefore share a birthday, but are incredibly different people, I also spread out their birthday fun so both kids feel loved and special. My twins turned 12 this year which I can’t even believe. They asked to go on a birthday trip this year (you can read about our New Mexico road trip here) which is my favorite way to spend a birthday. When they were younger though it was all about the parties and today I thought I’d share one of our favorite parties in celebration of my two favorite kiddos today.
When our kids turned 3 we had a Pancakes and Pajama Birthday party. Since they are twins and had all of the same friends, we celebrate their birthday with a joint party. The challenge, especially some years, has been coming up with a theme that works for both of my two wildly different kids. Pancakes and pajamas are two things that they both agreed on and it was a fun basis for a party.
We sent out invitations telling their guests to wear pajamas and come hungry for pancakes.
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Pancake Order Form
If you are going to have a pancakes and pajama birthday then you have to serve some pancakes. Fortunately my awesome hubby can make some dazzling shaped pancakes. This is no doubt one of the reasons our kids love them so much. When our guests arrived at the party we had them fill out an order form. On it they wrote their name, chose a color for their pancake (we had a chose of no coloring, pink or blue), and then they were to write or draw a picture of their desired pancake shape. They turned these into the chef.
Cereal Stringing
This activity was set up while we were waiting for guest to arrive. They could work on stringing cereal onto pipe cleaners to make bracelets. Simple, fun, and filled that waiting time.
Bedroom Door Signs
The other activity we had out while everyone was waiting were simple bedroom door sign shapes printed onto thick tag board. They were on a table with markers that everyone could color while we waited for everyone to arrive.
Pancake Relay
Once everyone arrived we gathered in the backyard for a pancake relay. We divided everyone into teams. Each team got a spatula and a pancake. (Wide spatulas work the best, especially for younger kids). When it was your turn you carried the pancake on the spatula as quickly as you could to a cone and then back to the next person in line. This was a ton of fun and got everyone excited and moving around.
Flour Sensory Bin
Along with the two activities from the beginning of the party, this was available for play after the relay races. It is a huge bin (any sensory table or large container would work) that I filled with several bags of flour, plastic bowls, measuring scoops, wooden spoons and sprinkles. This was a huge hit. The kids loved pretending to cook.
The guests played in the different areas, ate their pancakes, signed a guest book, played in our backyard, and eventually had cake. We lucked out with beautiful weather. Then we sent everyone home with a mini-cooking set and some simple breakfast themed snacks.
We have had some fun birthday parties over the years, but this one was my favorite to date.