Inspiring Parenting Books about Family Adventures and Time Outside with Kids

There must be a book about that.
That’s my natural response to most things. When we found out we were having twins, I read all the twin parenting books. When we go on a trip, I gather books beforehand to research and learn more about where we are going. When we found out my son was allergic to dairy I read everything I could find about dairy allergies and browsed all the dairy free cookbooks.
I love blogs and podcasts and movies and pinterest as much as the next person, but my gut reaction is always to reach for a bookshelf.
If you too are a person who loves to read about whatever has captured their curiosity or about whatever is keeping them up at night, then I get you and this list might just be for you too.
These are my favorite books about adventures with kids.
Last week I shared children’s books that inspire walks and getting outside. They’re amazing books to put in the hands of kids. These are books for your hands.
These are the books on my shelf that give me encouragement or challenge me on lazy days. They inspire me to think bigger, or smaller. I hope they inspire you too.
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5+ Parenting Books about Adventures and Getting Outside with Kids

1.The World is Our Classroom
by Cindy Ross
A thorough and inspiring account of parenting and educating children through travel and experiences. THE WORLD IS OUR CLASSROOM is a good blend of anecdotes and practical information. Ross shows through example how to learn about animals, history, other cultures, and more through travel. She offers resources, ideas and tips along the way that make you feel like ‘yes! I can take my kids on an adventure.’ You can’t help but be energized and awed by their family’s 3,100 miles on the backs of Llamas or canoe trip in the Everglades or even their more harrowing travel experiences. If you’re curious about travel with kids, excited about the possibility of teaching your kids through experience – full or part time, or want someone to show you little steps towards introducing the big world to your children then this is an excellent place to start.

2. There’s No Such Thing As Bad Weather
by Linda Akeson McGurk
I love this book for so many reasons. I’ve seen this described as “Bringing Up Bébé meets Last Child in the Woods” and I think that’s super accurate. I love the peek into the mindset of a Scandinavian parent living in the US. I love her storytelling style and her stories. And I love the inspiration for easy, natural ways to encourage kids to get outside more, including very young children. This is a fun, easy and inspiring read.

3. The Nature Connection
by Clare Walker Leslie
I came across this at the Landscape Arboretum in Minnesota when my twins were still babies and I couldn’t resist bringing it home. Part inspiration, part workbook – this is a guide to exploring outside with your kids. I used it when they were toddlers and we lived in rural Wisconsin. I used it when they were preschoolers and we lived in suburban Mississippi. And I used it when they were school aged kids and we lived in New York City. It works anywhere and will make you think about the seasons and your outdoors differently.

4. Kids’ Outdoor Adventure Book: 448 Great Things to Do in Nature Before You Grow Up
by Stacy Tornio and Ken Keffer
I think this works well as a companion to the book right above it. This book is divided into seasons and offers fun family activities to do outside in each season. It is well laid out and full of inspiration. I find myself reaching for this one a lot when I feel like we’re in a rut.

5. Citizen Scientists
by Loree Griffin Burns
Remember I said some books make me think smaller? This is one of those. This is science and exploration you can do outside in your own backyard or a nearby park. It makes you slow down and look more closely at the world right around you. Science does not come naturally to me so I love how this points me in the right direction so I can help my kids both focus and broaden their inquiries.

6.Little Walks Big Adventures: 50+ Ideas for Exploring with Toddlers
by Erin Buhr
A little shameless self promotion here. I wrote my book because I honestly couldn’t find this book for myself when I was a new stay-at-home mom of little twins. I wanted inspiration for getting outside. Easy but intentional ideas for exploring with toddlers and young preschoolers. This book was in many ways inspired by a lot of the books above, combined with my years of experience teaching and my degree coursework in Early Childhood Education. I hope it inspires many families to get outside and explore more with their young children.