Preschool Firefighter Unit

As adults we like to rush through our days as quickly as possible checking things off our to-do list, but sometimes children can teach us why we need to slow down. I learned a little about this a couple weeks ago.Â
We were at German Fest. It was filled with sausages and beer and loud polka music. This all would have been great except for the fact that Mississippi has yet to get the memo about Fall weather and it was hot. Really, really hot.Â
Our twins were red faced and getting crabby. My husband and I were starting to look at each other with that ‘We’re not going to last much longer” look. And then my son said he wanted to go see the firetruck.
For reasons I don’t entirely understand, there was a firetruck celebrating German Fest. They were letting kids hop in the front and offering them coloring books. Sure, we said. We stomped across the grass and assumed they would pop in the truck, jump out, grab their coloring books and we could head for the AC.Â
Our son climbed in the front and then out the other side. Our daughter started in the back and then hopped out. They both started wandering around the truck. I suggested we get coloring books to speed along this process.Â
Then my son asked me, “What is this for?” He was pointing to one of the many switches on the side. I had no clue and I could see that he was curious, so I told him to ask a firefighter. He was a little unsure about this, but his sister bravely walked up to one of these large men and said “What does that do?”Â
The firefighter bent down and answered her question. This led to another question and another. Soon they were following the firefighter around the truck as he demonstrated everything to them. Where the hoses were and how they got hooked up. What was inside the different compartments and what they used each item for. Their questions were endless and his patience, seemingly, was as well.Â
They were utterly fascinated and this kind man took the time to share his expertise with these two young children.Â
We forgot about the heat. We forgot about needing water and wanting AC.Â
We learned a lot about firetrucks and then when they were done, they grabbed those coloring books and headed for the car full of ideas.
GO: Field Trip Ideas
Visit a Fire Station
from Bambini Travel
Fire Station Open Day
from Play Learn Everyday
Fire Hydrant Walk
from Bambini Travel
10 Books about Firetrucks
from My Storytime Corner
Books about Fire Trucks
from Growing Book by Book
Books about Fire Fighters
from Gift of Curiosity
From Rubber Boots and Elf Shoes
Five Little Firefighters (Craft + Song)
from JDaniel4’s Mom
Melissa and Doug Firefighter Costumes
find it here
Play Firetrucks
find it here
Fire Station Duplo Set
find it here
Firetruck Party Activities and Decorations
from Mamas Happy Hive
Cereal Box Fire Truck
from Play Create Learn
Firetruck Building Invitation
from Bambini Travel
Counting at the Fire Station (free printable)
from Growing Book by Book
Easy Shapes Fire Truck Craft
from Sugar Aunts
Firefighter Thank You Cards
from Fun Handprint Art
Homemade Cards for Firefighters
from B-Inspired Mama
Fire Truck Flame Painting
from JDaniel4’s Mom
Firefighters Dramatic Play
from Play Create Learn
Fun Ways for Kids to Learn about Fire Safety
from Edventures with Kids
Fast and Easy Fire Truck Play
from Kitchen Floor Crafts
Emergency Vehicles Unit
from Every Star is Different
F is for Firetruck
from Theres Just One Mommy
Firefighter Brain Break Movement Ideas
from Pink Oatmeal
 Fireman Birthday Party with Great Play Ideas
from The Jenny Evolution