Spider Web Hunt with FREE Printable

Spiders are everywhere. Spooky spiders are being hung to haunt houses. Cute ones are decorating lawns and being crafted in preschool classrooms. The ones in my backyard are hopefully helpful de-bugging my yard.
This hunt is designed to look more carefully at spiders and the webs that they create. Together you will look closely, make observations, write details, compare and contrast webs. More than anything, you will learn more about these little crawlies all around our environment through a fun adventure.
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Spider Web Hunt
Spiders are everywhere. At least in our backyard they seem to be everywhere. Make sure you have some in your yard, playground, trails – wherever you plan to hunt.
Before you bring your kiddos outside for a Spider Hunt, go on a little hunt yourself. Make sure you have an idea of where a few are to get them started.
Nothing is worse than a spider web hunt with no spiders.
Before the Field Trip
Once you’ve scouted your location, it is time to get your kids excited! I like to start with books.
Before we went on our Spider Web Hunt, we read some picture books about spiders. Here are our favorites:
Spinning Spiders
by Melvin Berger
illustrated by S. D. Schindler
How do spiders spin webs? What are the different kinds of webs that spiders make? What do they capture inside their webs? Learn everything you ever wanted to know about spider webs in this nonfiction book.
Walter’s Wonderful Web
by Tim Hopgood
This is such a cute book. It’s a story about a little spider who is learning how to make a strong web. Woven into the story is lots of learning about shapes. Fun illustrations and a sweet little character to root for.
Read these stories aloud and then suggest you head outside to get a closer look at real spider webs.
During the Field Trip
First, ask the kids where they think they could spot a spider web. Brainstorm a list of ideas.
Next, pass out your supplies.
- Clipboard (one/kid)
- Spider Web Hunt Printable (download for free below)
- Pencil (one/kid)
- Magnifying Glass (one/kid)
Download: Spider Web Hunt Printable
Then head outside. We used the first Spider Hunt Printable on our hunt.
The kids used their magnifying glasses to hunt for spider webs in nooks, under tables, in bushes.
Each kid picked two spider webs to draw and write some details about on their form. Encourage them to look closely. What does the web look like? How does it feel? Can they see shapes in it like the ones Walter included in his web?
After the field trip
When we gathered back together, we compared and contrasted the spider webs. There are a few different ways to use this. It could be an independent activity. We did this in partners.
Each kid shared with a partner about their favorite spider web discovery. Then they compared and contrasted their favorites with each other.
Here are some helpful questions to get them started:
- Are the spider webs shaped the same?
- What do the webs feel like?
- Had the webs caught anything?
- Where did you spot the webs?
This activity had my kids thinking so differently about spiders and their webs. They notice them more when we’re outside. Keep the magnifying glasses available so they can hunt for more on their own if they like.
Download: Spider Web Hunt Printable