Winter Lights Walk with Toddlers

As soon as daylight savings hits, our little ones are fascinated by the darkness each evening and possibly more so by the lights that shine through. Many winter holidays focus on adding light to the darkness of winter. Taking a walk around your neighborhood or other decorated areas, will help your little ones discover the lights of the season.
read also: 12 Walks ideas for toddlers
Before Your Walk
Talk about your idea of going for a light walk.
- For younger children, simply ask if they want to help find lights outside.
- For older children, help them hypothesize about what kinds of lights they might see on their walk.
- Remind them of your safety rules for walks or possibly add more due to the darkness.
- Dress in weather appropriate clothing. Cold walkers are going to be crabby and less enthused.
During the Walk
Follow their lead as much as possible.
Ask questions such as;
- What lights do you see?
- Where do you see a light?
Or describe what they are seeing, as in; You are noticing the white lights on the tree!
Be careful about the distance and give a warning about when you will be turning back (ie. let’s find one more light and then we need to turn around OR do you want to head back now or when we get to the corner?)
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10 Christmas Adventures for Kids with Free Printable
Want more fun toddler friendly field trip ideas? For more walk ideas and other adventures for toddlers, check out my book Little Walks Big Adventures!